Temperature &Humidity Datalogger PCB
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Temperature &Humidity Datalogger PCB


Our Temperature & Humidity Datalogger PCB is a specialized circuit board designed to accurately measure and record temperature and humidity levels over time. It is commonly used in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, food storage, warehouses, laboratories, and environmental monitoring.


Key Features:

  1. Temperature and Humidity Sensors: The PCB incorporates high-precision temperature and humidity sensors that provide accurate and reliable measurements. These sensors have a wide operating range and are calibrated for precise data acquisition.

  2. Data Logging Capability: The PCB is equipped with a memory module that allows for data logging. It can store temperature and humidity readings at regular intervals, enabling users to track and analyze environmental conditions over a specific time period.

  3. Real-time Clock: The PCB includes a real-time clock module that timestamps each recorded data point. This feature ensures accurate time synchronization and enables users to correlate temperature and humidity data with specific timeframes.

  4. User Interface: The PCB may have a built-in user interface, such as an LCD display or LED indicators, to provide real-time temperature and humidity readings. It allows users to easily monitor environmental conditions without the need for additional equipment.

  5. Communication Interfaces: The PCB may include communication interfaces, such as USB, Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi, to facilitate data transfer to external devices or systems. This enables users to access and analyze temperature and humidity data on a computer or mobile device.

  6. Battery Powered: The PCB is typically designed to be battery powered, ensuring portability and continuous data logging even in areas without a power source. The battery life is optimized to provide long-term operation without frequent replacements.

  7. Compact and Durable Design: The PCB is designed to be compact and durable, making it suitable for various applications and environments. It may have protective coatings or enclosures to enhance resistance to moisture, dust, and other environmental factors.

  8. Customization Options: The Temperature & Humidity Datalogger PCB can be customized to meet specific requirements, such as additional sensor inputs, extended memory capacity, or integration with external systems. Customization ensures that the PCB aligns with the unique needs of the application.


  1. Accurate Monitoring: The PCB ensures precise and reliable measurement of temperature and humidity levels, enabling users to monitor and maintain optimal environmental conditions.

  2. Data Analysis: The data logging capability allows for the collection of temperature and humidity data over time. This data can be analyzed to identify trends, patterns, and potential issues, aiding in quality control, regulatory compliance, and troubleshooting.

  3. Remote Monitoring: With communication interfaces, the PCB enables remote monitoring of temperature and humidity data. This is particularly useful for applications where continuous monitoring and real-time alerts are required.

  4. Enhanced Efficiency: The PCB eliminates the need for manual temperature and humidity recording, reducing human error and saving time. It provides a convenient and automated solution for data collection and analysis.

  5. Compliance and Documentation: The Temperature & Humidity Datalogger PCB assists in meeting regulatory requirements by providing accurate and detailed records of temperature and humidity levels. This documentation is crucial in industries where adherence to specific environmental conditions is essential.

In summary, our Temperature & Humidity Datalogger PCB is a versatile and reliable solution for measuring, recording, and monitoring temperature and humidity levels. Its advanced features, customization options, and user-friendly design make it suitable for a wide range of applications, ensuring optimal environmental conditions and facilitating data-driven decision-making.

The Temperature & Humidity Datalogger PCB has a wide range of applications in various industries. Some of the key applications include:

  1. Pharmaceutical Industry: In the pharmaceutical industry, the PCB is used to monitor and record temperature and humidity levels in storage areas, warehouses, and transportation containers. It ensures that pharmaceutical products are stored under appropriate conditions to maintain their efficacy and quality.

  2. Food Storage and Processing: The PCB is utilized in food storage facilities, refrigeration units, and food processing plants to monitor and maintain optimal temperature and humidity levels. It helps prevent spoilage, maintain food safety, and comply with food storage regulations.

  3. Environmental Monitoring: The PCB is employed in environmental monitoring systems to track temperature and humidity levels in research facilities, laboratories, cleanrooms, and greenhouses. It aids in maintaining controlled environments for experiments, ensuring accurate results and data integrity.

  4. HVAC Systems: The PCB is integrated into heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to monitor and control temperature and humidity levels in commercial buildings, hospitals, and residential spaces. It assists in optimizing energy efficiency, maintaining occupant comfort, and preventing mold and moisture-related issues.

  5. Museums and Archives: The PCB is used in museums, art galleries, and archives to monitor temperature and humidity levels in exhibition spaces and storage areas. It helps preserve valuable artifacts, artwork, and historical documents by maintaining stable environmental conditions.

  6. Data Centers: The PCB is employed in data centers to monitor temperature and humidity levels in server rooms and equipment cabinets. It aids in preventing overheating, optimizing cooling systems, and ensuring the reliable operation of sensitive IT infrastructure.

  7. Greenhouses and Agriculture: The PCB is utilized in greenhouse environments to monitor and control temperature and humidity levels for optimal plant growth and cultivation. It helps create ideal growing conditions and supports precision agriculture practices.

  8. Cold Chain Logistics: The PCB is integrated into temperature-controlled shipping containers and vehicles used in the transportation of perishable goods, such as pharmaceuticals, food, and vaccines. It ensures that the temperature and humidity conditions are maintained throughout the transportation process, preserving the quality and safety of the products.

These are just a few examples of the diverse applications of the Temperature & Humidity Datalogger PCB. Its versatility, accuracy, and reliability make it a valuable tool in industries where monitoring and controlling temperature and humidity levels are critical for product quality, safety, and regulatory compliance.

Model Number
Multilayer pcb
Place of Origin

Brand Name
Number of Layers
Base Material
Copper Thickness
Board Thickness
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Optional size

Q: What is a Temperature & Humidity Datalogger PCB? A: A Temperature & Humidity Datalogger PCB is a specialized circuit board designed to measure, record, and monitor temperature and humidity levels over time. It incorporates sensors, memory modules, and other components to accurately capture and store data for analysis and tracking.

Q: How does a Temperature & Humidity Datalogger PCB work? A: The PCB includes temperature and humidity sensors that measure the respective parameters in the surrounding environment. The data is then converted into digital signals and stored in the onboard memory module. The PCB may also include a real-time clock for accurate time synchronization. Users can retrieve the stored data for analysis or use communication interfaces to transfer data to external devices.

Q: What are the benefits of using a Temperature & Humidity Datalogger PCB? A: The PCB offers several benefits, including:

  • Accurate monitoring and recording of temperature and humidity levels.

  • Data analysis for identifying trends, patterns, and potential issues.

  • Remote monitoring and real-time alerts.

  • Efficiency and automation in data collection and analysis.

  • Compliance with regulatory requirements and documentation of environmental conditions.

Q: Can the Temperature & Humidity Datalogger PCB be customized? A: Yes, the PCB can be customized to meet specific requirements. Customization options may include additional sensor inputs, extended memory capacity, integration with external systems, or specific communication interfaces.

Q: What industries can benefit from using a Temperature & Humidity Datalogger PCB? A: The PCB has applications in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, food storage and processing, environmental monitoring, HVAC systems, museums and archives, data centers, greenhouses and agriculture, and cold chain logistics.

Q: How long can the Temperature & Humidity Datalogger PCB operate on battery power? A: The battery life of the PCB depends on factors such as the power consumption of the components, the frequency of data logging, and the capacity of the battery used. The battery life is typically optimized to provide long-term operation without frequent replacements.

Q: Can the Temperature & Humidity Datalogger PCB withstand harsh environmental conditions? A: The PCB is designed to be compact and durable, with protective coatings or enclosures to enhance resistance to moisture, dust, and other environmental factors. However, the specific level of environmental resistance may vary depending on the design and manufacturing specifications of the PCB.

Q: How can I access and analyze the data collected by the Temperature & Humidity Datalogger PCB? A: The PCB may have built-in user interfaces, such as LCD displays or LED indicators, to provide real-time readings. Additionally, it may include communication interfaces like USB, Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi for data transfer to external devices or systems. The collected data can be accessed and analyzed using compatible software or applications on a computer or mobile device.

Q: Can the Temperature & Humidity Datalogger PCB be used for compliance with industry regulations? A: Yes, the PCB's accurate measurement and recording capabilities make it suitable for compliance with industry regulations related to temperature and humidity control. It provides documented evidence of environmental conditions, which is crucial for industries that require adherence to specific standards and regulations.


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